I’ve got no problem with people having a healthy fascination with Shia. Who wouldn’t? But you can file this one under “way too obsessed.” It appears that someone who goes by the name “LordofAnEmpire6” has gotten his or her hands on a prop from Disturbia. Nothing wrong with that. The prop is question is “the speaker wire that Shia Labeouf, or “Kale”, uses to plug in his ipod into the speakers in his bedroom to blast “lovin’ you” to ruin Ashley’s party. ” Ok, so that’s cool. I mean, if I had a chance to snag a prop, something like that would be cool. But taking a picture of it and proudly displaying it online? Um, that’s just… well, nerdy at best. But that’s just my opinion.
Just Disturbia-ing
Transformers 2 “massive” and “badass”
Empire has posted an interview with Shia about Transformers 2. Apparently, Michael Bay has shown him something, though it’s not clear what. The result, though, is that our boy Shia can confirm that Transformers will be both “badass” and “massive,” along with more character development for the robots. At least there’s room for growth there. Megan Fox has already maxed out her theatrical ability.
Transformers 2 script ready
According to Rotten Tomatoes, Michael Bay has a completed Transformers 2 script, er, template… or at least an outline. Well, he has something, anyway. And we know that Shia will be back. Go ahead an pencil in this release date: June 26, 2009.
More proof that everybody loves Shia: BAFTA
The British Academy of Film and Television handed out their awards last night, and Shia LaBeouf won the Orange Rising Star award. Obviously good news, I know, but there’s more: the winner of this award is not selected by the Academy, but is chosen by popular vote. That’s right, in jolly old England, Shia is king, beating out homeland favorite Sienna Miller. Why the Orange? No, this isn’t an eBay star. It’s named after mobile phone company Orange, who sponsored the evening.
Shia’s Favorite Word
Thanks to the guys over at Sangent for this one: Continue reading
Shia “extra touchy-feely”?
TMZ reports that Shia was “extra touchy-feely with a hot brunette…” I don’t know that I would describe the scene quite that way, but you can decide for yourself. Continue reading
Another Indy Photo
This time it’s Cate Blanchett’s turn to show up with Shia in a pic from the upcoming Indiana Jones movie. Nice sword, Cate. Thanks to the folks over at theraider.net for the pic.
Still the same old Shia
E!’s Ben Lyons reports in from an outing with the stars of Eagle Eye to say that Shia’s recent success hasn’t gone to his head. First-name basis with the crew and chatting with the extras? Yep, sounds like we need to find a way to get on that set!
Confirmation from the other side: Shia lead candidate for Y: The Last Man
We already told you that Shia had admitted to talking D. J. Caruso about taking the lead role in Y: The Last Man. Now, confirmation comes from Caruso about the same thing. In an interview in USA Today, Caruso has confirmed that he wants Shia to play the part. Nothing is in stone yet, but the Y movie looks like its turning into a trilogy. That’s a lot of Shia to love. And, really, in a world where all men but one have been killed off, who better to be left than Mr. LaBeouf?