There’s a new Transformers 2 TV spot featuring Shia. It’s pretty awesome. It’s also on YouTube, so get it while you can. =]
Wizard Magazine
ET Interview
Entertainment Tonight put a video of the interview with Shia and Megan up online. Shia talks about love and his fame, as well as one of the stunts he did in Revenge of the Fallen. Also, He and Megan both answer questions about their kiss in the movie. =] To view the video click here.
Blue Sweater?
OceanUP has new pictures of Shia the morning after the MTV Movie Awards. His sweater reminds me of one that my mom used to wear.
Shia and Cage hosted Subbterranean last month. You can see the videos here. They talk about Shia’s music-video-directing debut and the possibilities of a Cage movie.
Another Interview
Shia was recently featured in Famous Magazine. In the interview, he gives us some more insight into Revenge Of The Fallen. Click here to read the entire article. It’s worth it. =]
The Video Game
Shia and Megan Fox did an interview on the Revenge Of The Fallen video game. To see the video click here.
Entertainment Tonight is saying that they will be showing a sneak peek of Revenge Of The Fallen tonight. Guess we’ll find out! Check your local listings to see when it’s airing.
MTV Movie Awards
Shia presented for the 2009 MTV Movie Awards last night. There are two different clips. One of Shia announcing the nominees for “Best Fight” and one of him presenting the award to the winners. You might have to watch a short commercial before the actual clip starts. As for the man himself, he looked dashing as always, and accidentally messed up one of the award-winner’s names. Adorable. =]
“You Sound Like A Woman”
At least that’s what Shia said to some Paps recently. Seems like he can’t get any peace and quiet these days. Click here
to view the video on TMZ.